Animal gay sex tube

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In 1995, zoologist Konrad Lorenz published a study in which he studied the behaviour of 1,500 animal species. In fact, in some species, homosexuality represents an evolutionary advantage. In the animal kingdom there are many examples of homosexuality that completely dismantle the theories that associate these practices with a purely cognitive trait of human beings. A male is born with a predisposition to mate with a female, since the aim is the reproduction of the species.

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Homosexuality is something that has always been exclusively associated with human beings, their psyche and their behaviour.

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But what does unnatural really mean? The definition of the term is something that goes against natural or human laws, especially in relation to morality. When it comes to homosexuality, for many people the recurring idea is that it’s something unnatural. Next time you need to send your wishes to a loved one, you can do it with a Zoo Portrait animal! SHOP SHOP CARDS & POSTCARDS / £2.75 Now with color backgrounds! Printed on Heavyweight 240gsm matt fine art stock.

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PRINTS / £50.00 30x 30 cm Image + 5 cm white margin

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